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New siemens tricon conveyor system -

What is for sale: New siemens tricon conveyor system -
The TriCon Conveyor offers a versatile, reliable and cost effective solution to moving products from one location to another. A modular conveyor designed for zero-pressure accumulation, you can adapt it to any configuration without special tools or wiring.
Intelligent — TriCon Conveyor uses Integrated Controller Cards (ICCs), photosensors and idler rollers to control product movement. Photosensors detect the presence of products and trigger a signal to start or stop, as appropriate.
Modular — Easily connected, stand-alone modules contain pre-set control zones to accommodate the specific containers to be handled. Each ICC controls up to four zones. This approach costs less to install and maintain, plus there is no requirement for compressed air.
Safe and Quiet — TriCon is intrinsically safe because it’s designed with a low enough torque that it can — literally — be stopped by hand in the event of an emergency. Because there aren’t any belts, chains or line shafts, it’s typically no noisier than a typical office environment.
6 sections 17” wide ID and 36” long,
2 sections 30” wide ID and 36” long.
Pictures available upon request
Siemens Tri Con Conveyor system, these units would retail in excess or $30,000.00. All are brand new, I took them out of thier original boxes for the photos. They are as follows:
The Siemens conveyors have 6 sections 17” wide conveyor ID and 36” long, and 2 sections 30” wide conveyor ID 36” long.
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